Stephan Kleinlein

Photo- & Cinematography

Motion Pictures

The art and craft of making motion pictures

by capturing a story visual.

Take your time – Relax & sit back – Enjoy the variety of Stephan’s video collection.


If it is the ocean, action in the sky, freediving down into the abyss, surfing massive waves, artistic photography or the incredible sea-life of our oceans, you will find something here.


More Videos & Slideshow Candy you will find on our YouTube Channel HERE

“Another ocean Day” – Filming and taking photos on a Freediving Trip in Mexican Waters near the Baja California Peninsula.

“White Sharks of Guadalupe Island – Part1 ” – An amazing underwater photography & cinematography adventure of a life time.

“White Sharks of Guadalupe Island – Part2” – Surrounded by the largest white sharks you can imagine. In the silence of the abyss these giants just sneaked up on us.

“Motion Of The Sea ” – Freediving Session at Point Péron, the southern end of Cockburn Sound Western Australia. Local Sea creatures in Slow-Motion.

“Guided Galapagos Shark Encounter with Reef n Beyond” – Lord Howe Island, the place to be in Australia to Freediver with the amazing resident Galapagos sharks.

“The Magic of Ocean Photography ” – Are you interested in learning more about Ocean Photography? Stephan is offering workshops at different location around the globe.

“Artistic Ocean Motion Photography” – Making Photos look like Paintings. Unique and powerful wave, ocean & sunset images. 

“Underwater Model Photography ” – A slideshow with some beautiful mermaids & Mermen in their element. Shooting Locations: Mauritius, Solomon Island, Bahamas, Vanuatu, Australia & California.

“The Collection” – Here a mix of beautiful images from around the globe. Moments from some of my photography adventures of the last 10 years. It is nice to look back, travelling for work as a ocean photographer. 

The Ocean, the Colour Blue and the Sky.
This is for me the place where I feel at home
& where I like to be …. OCEAN BLUE SKY

“Endless Possibilities” – You you will get inspired to imagine and find the right Wall Art Print for your home or office.

Get Your Own Unique Wall Art Print

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